Free Value Cards Downloadable

woman laying out values cards on a table

Having complete clarity on the values you hold is the key first step ahead of any brand strategy work you do as they act as the guiding light for the way you want to show up in the world; the way you act, the way you speak, and even the kind of customers you want.

What are values?

Values aren't fluffy mission statements or trendy buzzwords for the company ‘About Us’ page. 

Values are the guiding principles that define your brands soul and drive you forward with how you run your business. Whether you’re a team of 1 or 20, values can be helpful because they underline everything you do and why.

Deep down, we often already know what’s important to us in life, but rarely do we take the time to truly reflect on what is most important and understand what that means for the actions and steps we take in life.

Using Values Cards

I use these values cards in my Fundamental Foundations workshop as a tool to help identify what is important to my clients. Here’s how you use them:

Place the cards into three piles:

👎🏻 Not Important

🫳🏻 Kind of important

🙌🏻 Super important

Put the Not Important pile and the Kinda Important pile to the side. Make sure to note down the not important as a reminder for you when you’re making business decisions. If anything feels like something in this pile, it might mean you need to rethink what you’re doing.

Now I want you to whittle down the Super Important pile to three cards - you might have cards with similar meaning that you can reduce down.

I’d love to know what your values are, please do let me know over on Instagram!


Your values are the foundation of your brand.
Choose them wisely, embody them fiercely, and watch your brand shine! ✨

Get your FREE Values Cards

Values cards laid out on a table